
LiteStone Franchise

A turnkey solution.

The LiteStone AAC Factory technology is provided through a franchise agreement. LiteStone group retains a minority strategic stake in the business, offering technical and commercial support. In support of the local partners, we provide housing solutions that are backed by a standard LiteStone AAC factory which can produce enough AAC products to build at least 40 affordable houses per day. A LiteStone housing solution can have many economic development benefits for the country of operation, including:

  • Skills development
  • Delivery of quality affordable house
  • Small Business Development

Design and build smart!

Put on your hard hat and let's work smarter

LiteStone Construction acting as head contractor will partner with local contractors to formulate a suitable housing program. In general, LiteStone Construction will ensure delivery of housing, skills development, cost and quality management. The local construction partners will be directly included in the building operations, using local skills and labour.

In support of a franchise, LiteStone Pro-Afrique can offer a housing funding facility. LiteStone Pro-Afrique can also work with local governments and local banking institutions, to offer:

  • Project Finance – funding of housing development projects
  • Mortgage Finance – long term affordable loans fixed in local currencies
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